John Pang MD

John Pang MD

Head & Neck Surgeon

This research project will enroll cancer survivors whocontinue to smoke who are interested in hypnotherapy for smoking cessation.


Results of the past five decades of smoking cessationsuggest that smokers are not a homogenous population. Some smokers develop anemotional connection to cigarettes as a form of coping and anxiety release. Tosome smokers, cigarettes are not just something they do but are part of theiridentity. Clinical hypnotherapy is specifically targeted to this subgroup ofsmokers.


We will utilize an intensive five-day hypnotherapy sessionfor smoking cessation aimed at identifying and relieving emotional distress,followed by teaching self-hypnosis techniques. Success rates approach 90% inindividual clinical practice. The overall hypothesis of this proposal is thatintensive hypnotherapy will be more effective than usual care best practice(including pharmacotherapy, nicotine replacement, and motivational counseling)at smoking cessation – particularly in high-risk patients who have previouslyfailed pharmacotherapy and motivational counseling.

ORCID: 0000-0002-4952-6711


My NCBI Link:


Selected publications:

1.   Pang J, Nguyen N, LuebeckJ, Ball L, Finegersh A, Ren S, Nakagawa T, Flagg M, Sadat S, Mischel P, Xu G,Fisch K, Guo T, Cahill G, Panuganti B, Bafna V, Califano JA. ExtrachromosomalDNA in HPV mediated oropharynx cancer drives diverse oncogene transcription.Clin Cancer Research. PMID: 34548317. DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-21-2484


2.   Pang J, Cash H, Futran N.Free tissue reconstruction of massive facial trauma - review of the literatureand considerations to implement aesthetic and functional outcome. Plastic andAesthetic Research. 8:49. 2021.


3.   Pang J, Faraji F, RisaE, Mell LK, Houlton JJ, Califano JA. High rates of postoperative radiotherapydelay in head and neck cancer before and after Medicaid expansion. Head Neck.2021 Sep;43(9):2672-2684. doi: 10.1002/hed.26736. Epub 2021 May 17. PMID:33998088.


4.   Pang J, Crawford K,Faraji F, Ramsey C, Kemp A, Califano JA 3rd. An Analysis of 1-Year Charges forHead and Neck Cancer: Targets for Value-Based Interventions. Otolaryngol HeadNeck Surg. 2020 Sep;163(3):546-553.

5.   Pang J, Ching HH, SobelRH, Orosco RK, Califano JA, Wang RC, Sanghvi P, Coffey CS. Implementation ofsubmandibular gland transfer: A multi-institutional study of feasibility andtime to treatment. Head Neck. 2019 Jul;41(7):2182-2189.


6.   Pang J, Tringale KR,Tapia VJ, Panuganti BA, Qualliotine JR, Jafari A, Haft SJ, Friedman LS, FurnishT, Brumund KT, Califano JA, Coffey CS. Opioid prescribing practices in patientsundergoing surgery for oral cavity cancer. Laryngoscope. 2018 May 14. PMID:29756393


Topics: Smoking, cancer, head and neck cancer, surgery

LCRC Faculty

Missy Wooley
Population Sciences
Louisiana Tech University
Asim Abdel-Mageed DVM PhD
Therapeutics & Diagnostics
Tulane University School of Medicine
Ramsy Abdelghani, MD
Therapeutics & Diagnostics
Tulane University School of Medicine
Jiri Adamec, PhD
Therapeutics & Diagnostics
LSU Health - New Orleans
Sara Al-Dahir, PharmD, PhD, MPH
Population Sciences
Xavier University
Suresh K. Alahari PhD
Therapeutics & Diagnostics
LSU Health - New Orleans
Ashad Alam, MD, PhD
Tumor Biology
Ochsner Health
Muralidharan Anbalagan, PhD
Therapeutics & Diagnostics
Tulane University School of Medicine
Wayne L. Backes PhD
Tumor Biology
LSU Health - New Orleans