Cancer Center members gain access to reduced rates at Center-sponsored core facilities and members-only pilot funding opportunities. The Center promotes intra and inter-programatic collaboration through seminars, programatic meetings, communications, and annual scientific retreat.
Membership is open to all cancer researchers throughout Louisiana regardless of institutional affiliation. Applicants may not be current members of an NCI-designated Cancer Center.
Center members are expected to actively participate in at least one LCRC research program; develop inter- and intra-programmatic research collaborations leading to publications and proposals; provide annual updates of cancer-focused funding, publications, accruals, and leadership roles (nationally & institutionally) for LCRC progress reports; and acknowledge use of LCRC shared resources, salary support, and/or research development awards on research publications.
Faculty employed by the member partners of the Louisiana CancerResearch Center (LCRC) – that is Louisiana State University Health SciencesCenter in New Orleans, Tulane University Health Sciences Center, XavierUniversity of New Orleans, and Ochsner Health - and faculty from otherLouisiana state institutions conducting cancer research may apply for LCRC membership using the membership application form found below. After consultation with the membership committee the LCRC Director appoints members in a specific membership category based on criteria described below. Regular review of membership by the LCRC Director and Membership Committee may resultin continuation, termination, or change in membership category. Ongoing membership is contingent on the continued pursuit of cancer-related peer-reviewed research and/or cancer-related clinical activities. To be eligible for LCRC membership, the applicant must have either a doctoral level full or part-time faculty appointment OR a clinical or research appointment/employment at their institution. The membership committee is comprised of the leads of each partner institution and will incorporate programmatic leads as they are appointed.Membership category is determined as follows.
• Active participation in at least one LCRC research program
• Development of inter-and intra-programmatic research collaborations leading to publications and grant proposals
• Annual updates of cancer-focused funding, publications, accruals, and leadership roles (nationally & institutionally) for LCRC progress reports
• Acknowledgement ofLCRC shared resources, salary support, and/or research development awards
The applicant must meet one of the following criteria:
• Be the PrincipalInvestigator (PI), Multiple PI (MPI), or Project Director (PD) on NCI-approved peer-reviewed program-eligible awards (e.g., R01, P01, U01, DOD, ACS, AICR, etc.)*. Peer-review is defined by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) but generally includes all federal organizations and large non-profits. For the list see this link. Grants must include a clearly defined cancer focus.
• Serves as a leader in cancer clinical research (such as serving as PI of an investigator-initiated, industry-sponsored, or similar role on a clinical trial)
• Holds national leadership position in NCI National Clinical Trials Network studies
• Serve in a leadership role in the LCRC
• Is a new cancer focused faculty recruit (first three years) or early career faculty member
• Expresses strong interest in cancer research and has dedicated faculty effort assigned to research, but does not currently have externally funded cancer-related grants, clinical trials, or publications
Full members have the following benefits:
• Eligibility to serve in LCRC leadership positions
• Collaborative assistance with large multi-institutional grant submissions, such as P01 and P50
• Eligibility to compete for LCRC funding opportunities (e.g. seed grants, pilot projects, travel awards, etc.)
• Access toLCRC-supported core resources
• Promotional for dissemination of successful research initiatives, accomplishments, and significant publications
• Collaborative opportunities to partner with members who can translate bench discoveries into clinical trials
• Invitations to scientific retreats, seminars, and special programs
• Inclusion on the LCRC’s website
The applicant must be full-time faculty members and meet one ofthe following criteria:
• Engages in cancer related research or training
• Engages actively in the continuum of cancer care and survivorship
• Plays a leadership role (e.g., physician leader) that is critical to the success of the LCRC’s mission
• Contributes to cancer-relevant catchment issues (such as incidence, mortality, and cancer disparities) but does not have a cancer scientific research program focus and contributes to cancer programmatic efforts in other important, supportive ways
Eligibility to compete for LCRC funding opportunities (e.g. seed grants, pilot projects, travel awards, etc.)
• Access to LCRC-supported core resources
• Promotional for dissemination of successful research initiatives, accomplishments, and significant publications
• Collaborative opportunities to partner with members who can translate bench discoveries into clinical trials
• Invitations to scientific retreats, seminars, and special programs
• Inclusion on theLCRC’s website
Faculty researchers who are doing cancer relevant work, but who do not qualify for Full or Associate member status.
Collaborating members have the following benefits:
a. Association with a LCRC Research Program
b. Access to LCRC shared resources for Cancer focused projects
c. Invitation to scientific retreats, seminars seminars, and special programs
Cancer Biology: Work in discovery of new cancer driving mechanisms including signal transduction, hormonal response, apoptosis, tumor microenvironment, cancer immunology
Genes x Environment: Work in Viral Oncology, DNA Damage, DNA repair, some epidemiology
Translational Oncology: Developing therapeutics and diagnostics, developing or running cancer clinical trials.
Cancer Population Sciences & Disparities: The epidemiology of cancer, especially disparities, health equity, and behavioral interventions for better prevention and diagnosis.
Applicants should complete the Membership Application Online
Complete applications should include: membership application; an updated biosketch in the latest NIH format (Word doc) including current and pending funding (where applicable); and a statement of cancer relevance for the applicants research (up to 1 page).
Applications are reviewed by the LCRC Membership Committee whose recommendations are forwarded to the Center Director for final determination.