Andrew G. Chapple PhD

Andrew G. Chapple PhD

Assistant Professor

Dr. Chapple’s primary role as Director of Biostatistics is planning cancer clinical trials in mice, humans, and cell lines – while also executing statistical analyses. Dr. Chapple is an expert in adaptive clinical trial designs, particularly Bayesian methods. His 2019 paper “A hybrid Phase I-II/III clinical trial design allowing for dose re-optimization in Phase III” proposed a new framework for seamless drug development through the three stages of clinical trial design. This paper was recognized by the statistical community when it received the award for “Best Paper” from Biometrics, a top tier statistical journal. Dr. Chapple hopes this expertise can propel his institution towards innovative cancer therapies, rapid advances in treatment of chronic diseases, and the long-term goal of personalized/precision medicine. 

Dr. Chapple has produced many new trial designs and methods, which are accompanied with user-friendly R packages. Dr. Chapple trained under Dr. Peter Thall at MD Anderson, who is a pioneer in Bayesian adaptive trials. He later refined these skills working with cancer researchers from other institutions. Dr. Chapple’s adaptive trial designs were used to dose-find in pediatric brain tumors in atrial conducted at Harvard and the Dana Farber Cancer Center.

Dr. Chapple has designed hundreds of studies and has supported many research departments at LSUHSC including Orthopedics, OBGYN, Hematology Oncology, Dermatology, Oral Surgery, Endodontics, Cancer, Virology, Cellular Biology, Inflammation, and treatment disparities research. As a joint professor in Orthopedics, Dr. Chapple works on large scale electronic records databases which requires processing longitudinal information from patients on hospital encounters, diagnoses, procedures, prescriptions, and lab values.

  • Education



B.S.  Louisiana State University,May 2012

Major: Mathematics


M.Ap.St, Louisiana State University, May2014

Major: Applied Statistics

Ph.D., Rice University, May 2018

M.S., Rice University, May 2018

Major: Statistics         


ORCID     identifier

MyNCBI     Link


Selected     Publications

Chapple AG, Thall PF.(2018). A Hybrid Phase I-II/III Clinical Trial Design Allowing DoseRe-Optimization in Phase III. Biometrics. PMCID: PMC6486466


Chapple AG, Thall PF.(2018). Subgroup-specific dose finding in phase I clinical trials based ontime to toxicity allowing adaptive subgroup combination. Journal of PharmaceuticalStatistics. 1-16.PMCID: PMC6640643


Chapple, A. (2020). Bayesian subgroup clustering inphase I clinical trials. SAGEResearch Methods Cases. doi:


Chapple,AG, Peak, T, Hemal, A. A novel Bayesian continuous piecewise linear log‐hazardmodel, with estimation and inference via reversible jump Markov chain MonteCarlo. Statisticsin Medicine. 2020; 1– 15. PMID: 32086957


Salomon, B, Krause, P.C., Dasa, V., Hall, L.,Shi, L., Chapple, AG (2021). Hospitallength of stay is associated with increased likelihood for venousthromboembolism following total joint arthroplasty. Arthroplasty today.


CameronJ.E., Dennis D.C., Herrel N.R., Chapple AG, and Hagensee ME(2020). Risk of abnormal cervical cytology in HIV-infected women testingpositive for both human papillomavirus and Epstein-Barr virus in genital tractspecimens. Cancer Causes and Control. 31(4): 365-375. PMCID: PMC8432267


Christensen,B.J., Chapple, AG, King, B.J. (2019). What is the Effect of TreatingMandibular Fractures on Weight and Prealbumin? Journal of Oral andMaxillofacial Surgery. 77 (6): 1-6. PMID: 30851249


PeakT.C., Chapple, AG, Coon, G., Hemal, A. (2018). Utilizing aSemi-Competing Risk Model to Predict Perioperative and Oncologic Outcomes afterRadical Cystectomy. British Urology Journal. 10 (11): 317-326. PMCID: PMC6180382



Statistics, Clinical Trials, Bayesian Analysis, Biostatistics

LCRC Faculty

Missy Wooley
Population Sciences
Louisiana Tech University
Asim Abdel-Mageed DVM PhD
Therapeutics & Diagnostics
Tulane University School of Medicine
Ramsy Abdelghani, MD
Therapeutics & Diagnostics
Tulane University School of Medicine
Jiri Adamec, PhD
Therapeutics & Diagnostics
LSU Health - New Orleans
Sara Al-Dahir, PharmD, PhD, MPH
Population Sciences
Xavier University
Suresh K. Alahari PhD
Therapeutics & Diagnostics
LSU Health - New Orleans
Ashad Alam, MD, PhD
Tumor Biology
Ochsner Health
Muralidharan Anbalagan, PhD
Therapeutics & Diagnostics
Tulane University School of Medicine
Wayne L. Backes PhD
Tumor Biology
LSU Health - New Orleans